A Prophetic Word for America – 12/7/10

 This morning I had such a burden for America.  Of course it is the same burden I have been carrying but it seemed to intensify.

As I began to try to share it, people said, “Oh yes, we have heard that, we are in a shaking and a shaking is coming,” and even I have prophetically said that, but this had a different feel to it.  We have been praying back judgment and asking for mercy instead for a long time.  And God has honored those prayers.

But today I felt that a more sure word was coming forth, and to be honest, much of this I did not want to hear so I was resisting it.  But I felt the Lord was saying that there are many in a presumptive grace that He was going to deal with.  Many would even be dying.  Not a few, but many.

Even as I was sharing some of this that I was sensing earlier, someone wrote me and asked me what specifically was God showing me.  I replied that the burden I was carrying was for the hearts of the leaders because they are the ones that weep between the porch and the altar (Joel 2).  They are the ones that God goes through to execute His justice and His judgments.

Many today are not in a place to intercede before God.  In a time of crisis, they would have to work on themselves quite a bit before they could go before God for the people.  They would have to come in the right protocols before Him (with humility and contriteness being a major part of that), they would have to bring the right offering before Him and then when that was right, He would hear their prayers.

We don’t just lollygag and sashay ourselves into His Temple, saying “Pop, I need you to do this for me.”  That is presumption!  There is a such a thing as favor with God but there is also the respectful fear of the Lord!  He is a mighty King and He can act like it and will, just to remind us.  We really do not want to be on His wrath side.  It is a fearful thing to fall iinto the hands of the Living God.  We can have a friendship that is not a presumption.

Some people’s tribulations are because it is sometimes not as much what they did wrong as what other people have done wrong, and they have fallen victim to that.  There is an order of God that is not just a 1,2,3 list,  but is a multi-dimensional order of life that has vibrant effects.

When you let children play with knives or guns, tragic things may take place.  A child without training and a learner’s permit can be a disaster behind the wheel of a car, not only to himself but to innocent others also.   When we are frivolous in the Courts of God with His Words and with His imparted Spirit to us, we can get on dangerous ground.  When there is no fear of the Lord, only judgments can follow.

Do you realize that angels are messengers of His Word and ministry and when those things are  abused, those angels have a right to report to God?  I don’t say that to make you afraid but to impart to you the importance of the respect for the things and Household of God.

God is more long suffering than any man but when He makes a determination, the point He chooses to make can be quite dramatic!  It could be something that we will respect for a long time to come!  Remember when Uzzah tried to “help God out”  in carrying the Ark?  He got zapped to death and King David was greatly upset over that.  But God was demonstrating protocols – the right and wrongs of them.  Later when the blessing was seen at Obed Edom’s, David realized that he had to get over his offense and ignorance and cooperate with the program of the Lord.

I saw God’s judgments coming and many weeping, shaken.  And God was saying that “I Am going to get My House in order, because it is very out of order.”   And while I was weeping at the judgments, I was also relieved with the correction.  Some have been broken and discouraged over the disarray of His Church and Body, and many have lost heart.  There are many ministers who used to be in ministry who have dropped out, but the gift and the calling is still there for it is given without repentance on God’s part – we just need to come into order.

He gave me a vision of a family getting ready for dinner and the parents placing the portions on the table.  There were certain portions of potatoes, and vegetables, and meat, and gravy, and bread.  The Lord said “My true ministers know how to give proper portions to the family.  All the portions are important but the right variety and the right amount is very important for good health and proper nutrition.  The proper nutrients are needed for good health and right thinking.

We have been living too much on “dessert” and we have neglected if not rejected the other proper needed portions in the House of God in good balance.  Children only raised on dessert become sickly in their bodies, and they become skewed in their thinking.  It can cause the immune system to not function as it needs to for protecting the body.  When we minister to poverty, we give them portions that are good for them so their health will return and they can think through things for themselves and not just depend upon others for provision.

The Lord said the shaking that is to come is to realign the Church back to proper order.  Because we have prayed for it, it will come.  If we had not, we would just suffer the results.  I saw a thick layer of unhealthy fat coming off.  It was the result of all the “dessert” given to people promising them “the good life.”  In that “good life” there was no responsibility imposed, instead it was a licentious spirit of lustful self will.  That of course would result in the Body turning on each other.

It is time for the spirits of competition and greed and lust and vying for power to be exorcized out of the Church.  I also got a vision of the Church in its different smaller groups of members and there was the “elite” class.  When hungry and hurting people would come in, they would be told to “Go over there, your portion is over there.”  They were not included in the main group but made to feel set apart as those who did not “measure up.”

He also showed me weaker people like the elderly and homeless and abused and victimized people coming in looking for hope and their place in the Church but not being able to find it.  If they were lucky, they got a “designated” ministry “help” but if not, then they found more help and love outside of the Church, even though their hearts were aching to know Jesus andto  be assimilated into His true Body.  So they quit going and suffered alone in their silence.  The Lord said they were only seeking their place and He has one for them, where His Spirit can truly manifest in their portion.

The Lord said He was going to deal with that because people were after “the good life” and did not realize how much the world had infiltrated them as a deadly leaven.  He said He was going to judge it and it would be painful, but that it would be a mercy to those who really did want Him.

Then the Lord showed me Israel and the importance of our unity with them.  We are the two sticks to be joined as one!  Many nations look to America in respect and gratitude for what we have done for them over the years.  The Lord said that He took great pleasure in Abraham and He wanted that same pleasure from his seed today.  He said that America and Israel were to be cooperative spirits, having the same goals and visions – visions that He gave them!

We are not to worship the leaders but we are to pray for them and ask God to give them His Vision and goals and then cooperate with them in that.  Every person would have a part to play and a gift to bring – a gift that He had given them to bring and express.  The Vision that God gives is big – do not discard it or take it lightly!

As the Lord gets us lean again, He is looking to see the work of the ministry take place.  He is looking for the ministry to the WHOLE body in all of its dimensions.  Life has many dimensions and they all work with one another to make a greater multi-faced effect that carries a force with it.  People will either be drawn to it or repelled by it. 

Today the leeches and parasites are feeding off of the Body and it needs its immune system to repel the wasters.  There are warriors and there are tender nurturers and they all are important and must work together.  There are the laborers and the artists and all must rest and work and contribute in healthful ways.  They all must RESPECT each other and the gifts God has brought to the table and they must be in their right proper portion.  When we fail to respect one another and the gifts God brings, even though we partake of it, we disrespect God.

It’s easy to take things for granted, but an awakening is coming.  There is a remnant that is crying out and God has heard their cries.  They must not lose heart, they must get back in their place, they must work and be about their Father’s business.  It is a mandate.

We have seen many revivals but not all of the revivals have been built on the right foundation so some of it has gone off center and then toppled or played out.  The Lord says if we will build on the right foundation, then He will bring His Glory in and we can dwell in it.  We will be able to come in and out of His House and reach the lost and bring them in, if they are so willing.  We will be fulfilled in our callings and the world can be won for Him.  He is the King.  It is His Kingdom.

It’s a good thing.  It’s a good message, it is Good News!  It is the Word and Life of the Lord.

Knowing “Our Times”

If you are not hurting financially for money, well, God bless you, but many people are.  Some people truly have financial wisdom and I thank God they do.  But many in the Body are feeling lack and compared to times prior, I can relate to that too.

Many preachers talk about the wrath of God and getting right with God and there are very few that are not preaching “Give” with all their hearts and souls, it seems.  Sometimes you just need a break from it!

But then you go to the world and everywhere you go there is a “Sale!”  and a “Deal”.  Some expenses for things that you must have are going up, and there are news reports “predicting” prices going up, too.  Many are getting evicted from their homes, and people who should have handled our money in the financial institutions, well, they have not.

Prophetically, like many others, I have gone to God over this.  Not just once, but  a number of times.  There are pressures not just on me but on many in the Body.  Now it’s one thing to miss our ice cream after a meal and other little perks like a new car every 2-7 years that we are probably used to, but some of it seems to be hitting closer to home in our lifestyles than that.

The other night watching GodTV, I heard Mike Jacobs interview a man who understood a lot of things about where our society is, especially as it relates to the global market, and I was impressed to hear LOGICAL REASONS for some of this.  One is the fact that the spending years of the baby boom generation has passed.

On a graph, the line went up, then suddenly dropped down because the numbers of people in that age range of those buying homes and other things that relate to that time in their life, sharply declined.  Today, those who are in the age range to buy homes are called the Baby Bust generation, and their demographics are in much smaller numbers.  This is expected to last until 2012-2015.

Then, the Baby Boomer grandchildren will see the bar on the graph go up again for spending, because, as he said, when the population is on an increase, more prosperity is seen.  He also mentioned it will not be as great as the Baby Boomer generation saw it because 54 million children were aborted and so the numbers are down.  Try to avoid the spirit of condemnation on that reality, but understand it.  God is on the side of life.

He went on further to say that the economy surge we saw from the Baby Boomers is like a balloon that inflated and then suddenly burst.  It is not something you can blow up again, the dynamics are just not there for it.  So people who before could count on resources in certain areas to come rolling in, can no longer do that because the dynamics for business with a generation that is retiring and not spending is not as strong now because of the numbers.

Now that is not to mention the people who have not done things right and added corruption into the mix, causing pain and theft for others.  Certainly that is felt more now, too.  As a Body, corruption has always been something that we have had to fight and stand against.  In this fallen world still, not everyone does it right!

But discovering this information, and I am no financial genius by a long shot, really came as a word from God to me.  Ministries who have been used to the extra income are also not finding it, and so the logical response when it gets cut off too, is to scream loud, put pressures on because their bills are behind, and some will even condemn the Body in places when it is not their fault!  I feel led to write about this!

Of course we as Christians want to belike those who lived as the Jews did in the land of Goshen, the ones dramatically different and full of prosperity.  And some businesses will do better in certain “times” than in other “times.”   Hospitals and graveyards do more business when there is a plague, or are there for in those retirement ages.

At least the good news from these actuary tables is that there will be a logical rebound in 2012 -2015, not taking into consideration any other social and spiritual factors.  Some want to define those factors sometimes in ways that are not true reality.  But I think if we take this information for what it is, it can be a key in how we plan the future days.

There is something about prosperity and luxuries that is so comfortable.  It seems so easy to move into, and so hard to come out of.  I think one reason for that is that we were created to prosper.  But we must learn the ways to do it correctly or we get hurt by what is not right. 

But we also must be practical and understand that the “times” are what they are right now.  If you were counting on a great increase because of “the numbers” from the past, it just may not be there logically speaking.  If you go preach in a poor country, you are probably not going to get wealthy from the offerings, unless God does a miracle for those people financially and the people congenially understand the concept of giving and receiving in the correct Spiritual context.

We Baby Boomers can thank God for the blessed and prosperous times that we have had.  Every mark is a part of the look of the sculpture God is designing.  He has not left, and it’s not that He doesn’t care, these are just the factors of our society and world.  There will be exceptions with different ones, but if you are coal mining and the coal on the land runs out, you are going to have to look for other resources or new land with more coal in it.

There is something to be said for the Spiritual aspects of this too.  Under the prophet Samuel and King Saul, Israel was struggling for Godly leadership.  Then King David came on the scene and his life and ministry was about taking out the giants and wicked rulers that surrounded and persecuted them.  He turned the hearts of the people to worship and the nation began to prosper in many ways.

By the time his son King Solomon took the throne of Israel, there was a lot more prosperity, safety and population.  What many would call expensive in other times, like gold and silver and special spices, was more commonplace.  But after King Solomon’s days, corruption came in again and prosperity left and the people were scattered.  I think our generation can understand this concept of the times better than most.

The good news is that God still has a people.  And those who know their God will be blessed!  They may go through trials but they have promises, potential and grace and favor.  God always has a remnant.  Sometimes they have to find each other to work together, sometimes they have to fight devils together to get things accomplished.  And the enemies of the Lord are just still here, but we have an overcoming God with rewards to give for doing it His way.

Prophetically I know God is going to do gatherings and outpourings.  I know He is especially going to do that in Israel.  But He will do it according to His precepts and prophesied plans.  I don’t want the Body to be discouraged or feel condemned when some of this is not their fault.

Let’s also not be duped by false realities given.  We are in an economic downturn for a short season.  Let’s be practical and not burdensome to others.  We have as many Christians as we have evangelized and raised up properly.  How well have we done on that?

We have to get it right, the wrong will not be blessed by Him.  BUT, the promises are great, and the plans are glorious!  Let’s be practical while we are seeking and doing His will.  The power of His Love is upon it.

Without A Wedding Garment

So many people are noticing and commenting on the shift God has just taken the Church. Things are changing, things are being re-aligned, and the recent does not fit like it did before.

In some areas, it is troubling and in other areas it is refreshing. But those who are prophetically “tuned” see it and observe and consider the changes, knowing that even more change has been prophesied and will come.

For years people have become disillusioned and even disappointed in the Church as we have known it. Sin has been exposed, betrayers seemed to win, thefts occured and offenses have been many.

It has disturbed a lot of people, and many have dropped out of church life altogether. Some have stood back at a distance, working to avoid the bitterness they were feeling in their hearts. They didn’t want to lose God; they wanted to find, seek, see and feel what is REAL. They wanted to reject the false.

But it seemed everywhere they looked for the real leadership left them more and more disappointed. People pulled back on their giving. They wanted to believe these mega promises were coming in, but some of the “pulls” were coming off a little too Madison Avenue rather than the Highway of Holiness.

Sacrifice in the right way is good. The Lord says, “Gather My saints together to Me, Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.” (Psalm 50:5 NKJV) It’s a mark on the heart that God sees with Spirit eyes.

But many through disappointment and discouragement have stopped giving their “love gifts” to God. The reason was that they did not want to be yoked to the wrong spirits. Some were even angry at God and hurt and wounded.

It has not been easy, it has not been pretty and honestly, there is more to come. But don’t present yourself to God without a wedding garment!

Matthew 22:
1 And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said:
2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son,
3 “and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come.
4 “Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding.”‘
5 “But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business.
6 “And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them.
7 “But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.
8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy.
9 ‘Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’
10 “So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.
12 “So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless.
13 “Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

God still has need of you, even if He is tearing down the walls of the structured and rebellious church! Are you seeing Him or seeing a man? Will man be your excuse to turn away from God?

Or have you heard His Voice enough to use your heart, mind, soul, and strength to obey His will? Because people have pulled back, our country is in a financial crisis. It started because of sowing wrongly, and we can be deceived, but much of that is now being exposed and will continue to be exposed.

As it says in Joel 2: 13-14, “So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God, For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm. Who knows if He will turn and relent, And leave a blessing behind Him; A grain offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God?”

If we don’t give an offering to what is right and good, we have not honored Him in a way that He can bless. We must be like Job who even in crisis said, “Blessed be the Name of the Lord.” Job, even in his trial, had to offer a sacrifice to the Lord and pray for things to turn around for him.

We may not be able to control the timing, but we can control the outcome if we still look to Him. If you allow bitterness to swallow you up, you will not be able to praise Him and encounter His Presence. “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3 KJV)

At this critical time, if you give to truth, you will receive and be established in truth. But if you give in to lies and disillusionment, you will be established in that and it is no comfortable place to be!

The enemy of our soul has been on a campaign to make you believe that wrong is right and right is wrong. Did you fall for the lie? If you just give in to it, it is to your hurt.

There is a wedding going on and you must have the right garment on to be accepted.

Don’t Fall For Idiot Prophets

Idiot prophets are either false prophets or they missed it, big time. And it’s not that we can’t each make mistakes, if we are honest, we know we can. But the difference is in what we do with our mistakes. Do we apply the Romans 8:28 principle and let God turn those mistakes for good, or do we deny their existence and declare what is wrong to be right? I guess it depends on who is on the throne of your life!

Prophets are called to confront sin. It’s really not the favorite part of their job description for the obvious reasons, but it’s something they must learn how to get good at, no matter what the outcome. And we all should have a little bit of the prophetic in us, even if it is just in raising our kids to know right from wrong!

There is no easy way for them to learn everything they need to know, but it is something they can prepare for. As God told Jeremiah, if you can’t run with the footman (the children), what are you going to do when the horsemen (or experts) come?

Oh yes, it’s hard, and there is pain, but we must toughen up! We have to know how God is judging us. When we get skilled at it, people will fear you. Some people live for that fear in others, but that is another example of the idiot prophet. It is what makes real prophets lonely people.

People might think I am harsh to call people idiot prophets, but my point is the truth that tough skin must identify with the obvious. Tough skin can travel. People respect the wise who are on to them. And many prophets have been given the gift of discerning motives which is not always a fun gift to have.

It’s great when you are doing deliverance and people can get set free, but when you encounter evil, you have to learn how to call on God because He does things a certain way. And some things He lets play out before He judges harshly. I like it better when He nips it in the bud (Isaiah 18:5). Correction is often better than punishment if you get what I mean there.

God is not into condemning people but He does condemn sin. And some don’t want to accept that, especially in this day and time we live in. Believe me, prophets are active, seeking His Face, because so much in this nation is not right. But we are not dealing with just the rebellious but also the totally ignorant. There is a difference. And there is also the “Big Picture” plan of God which means some things are just going to happen.

When you see God being misrepresented, especially when it seems to be for evil purposes, you know some have taken on God for a battle and He will answer back – in His timing! You just don’t want to be in the wrong place when He comes swinging, even while doing intercession, because you don’t want in on the wallop!

Some need training and some have wrong training and clean up is hard work. And anybody knows that no one human has all the answers. But some try to come across that way and when you test them, it bothers you when they come up lacking for all their proud words.

God really does speak. And when He speaks, yes, there is the still small Voice, but that Voice can also be pretty loud. You know when there is a dry place, that eventually water will come to fill that place. It’s just the nature of God to take dominion. But some flash floods work destruction too.

We have all missed it and come short of the GLORY of God and to see it, we must be humble in His Presence. Like the V-8 commercial on television, “Bonk! I should have seen and done that!” Because what we see and experience IS so amazing in God, our current circumstances pale in comparison!

Prophets can seem like a set apart breed, but they are very human. And when the human side is seen and respected, it is very appreciated. But there is also a heavenly burden on the prophet that cannot be denied. Many are into drama more than they are into sales. And Scripture says, “He who wins souls is wise.” Let’s win them.

It’s not really an option for those who are in the Kingdom of God. You are either on His side or you are not! Our lives should reflect our faith. We should see some activating good in everyone who calls themself a Christian. There are too many impostors!

The ones who are into drama aren’t really into people having freedom as much as they are wanting a following who will follow them for their collective power. Ministers who lead people into self discovery with God, are the ones who are truly powerful. They can multiply exponentially. They become enemies for those who want to control other people and gain their power the wrong way. And to control other people, they will usually use the tactics of fear (fearing the future) or shame (manipulating others by guilt) or false promise.

We all want the wonderful promises but if people are not taught well how to walk with God, the promise becomes hope deferred which makes the heart bitter and angry. Patience is a virtue and a fruit, but there is a false side of it too that has a negative result. The best thing to know about patience is that God is patient with us! More than we could ever dream, but passiveness is not the same thing as patience!

Jesus took our shame but people have to learn how to process that. And we have to know and believe the Word and be around positive believers to overcome fear. But they can’t do all the work for you, because we all carry our own load in working out our salvation. We can’t have idols or be idols for others.

It is very tempting to idolize prophets. Especially those who are gifted at forecasting. Selfish people want words for themselves and that selfishness can be a strong drive. But our true Christian power comes when we can break the selfishness in our own souls and take on His burden for life and others and create positive life (no sin but clean) zones while winning those souls. It is really the essence of the Christian life. It’s the fruit of self control in the Spirit.

Obviously today many want in on that blessing of power without paying or praying the price. And this is why prophets are important. They are human and can seem bizarre at times but you have to learn how to read them in the Christian context. True prophets want you to encounter your world with faith. Then life doesn’t just happen to you but you happen to life in cooperation with God!

One reason prophets are hidden at times is because they are battling life out on their own turf. Their words have to prove true! We all know there are a lot of cheap talk prophets out there. And it’s about much more than finding gimmick ways to produce funds.

The Bible says in I Chronicles 20:20: “… Believe in His prophets and you will prosper.” There is a burden on the prophet and every other true minister that the people prosper – spirit, soul and body. Sometimes that does mean that we take on abuse, sometimes it means we take on principles we either forgot or didn’t know, or needed to be corrected in a way where we didn’t realize we were going off track.

Being a prophet can sound exciting but they don’t get to choose the path. The path is laid before them, even if they are pioneers and are clearing the trails for others to discover. There are forces that oppose the Christian life until we come to the completion or literal fulfillment of it. Hindering prophets out of jealousy or even experimentation can be counter-productive. Some experimentation will happen in discovery but those who persist in “playing” with it will go into the area of sin.

Some call themselves “judgment prophets” and in its worst context, they declare false or skewed judgments outside of the Love and declared Word of God. We aren’t in Old Testament times, but New Testament or New Covenant times, our Covenant in the Body now being with and through Jesus. The job description of prophet and the other five fold is listed in Ephesians 4: 11-16. It is a work of ministry, not just declaration.

It does not mean that prophets don’t discern and learn and hear of things to come anymore, there is just an accountablity that MUST accompany it! They should be able to work with the other five fold and vice versa, but not in idolotry or dishonesty. The prophetic gift causes a balance for the other ministry. They don’t work apart!

Many are fascinated with the foretelling more than the forth telling. Sometimes people want the power of knowing the future but they really and truly don’t want that without balance. And if they fake it, there is a price they will pay, as the lie will be exposed. God doesn’t just play around. When non-pastors try to pastor, it’s a dangerous place for them.

But if you will hear the prophetic voice in all its different forms that it can manifest in, and if you see and discern that they want these words and messages for your good, you will also discern what the angels were saying when Jesus was born, that God sent Jesus for His peace on earth and His good will toward men, not their destruction.

When you realize that you can gain what the prophets who go ahead have learned, and minister reciprocally with your gifts – however that way works in your obedience to God – then you will realize that attaining where the prophet is now ENABLES them to go ahead even further for you! And today there is a company of prophets, not just one or two.

Many times prophets do suffer pain in their journey, but when the Body ministers to them – like I said, not to idolize them or condemn them – but to allow them to move forward in God for themselves – and there will be those quiet seasons for them too, just like when you or your pastor needs a vacation – then we all progress. We need the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s patience as well as our own diligence to work on our world that affects our daily Christian life with all the big picture in mind of God’s Plan.

We need to realize winning souls is winning the “whole” person, meaning not just fire insurance but a full life. When we put God first, then working out our salvation (our wholeness) will find God’s help and blessing on it! And that’s a good life!

The Faltering Prosperity of the Church

Prophetically speaking, I really believe that one of the reasons for the economic downturn is that people are not giving in the right places. When God’s people sow into dead works, God’s economy for them stumbles and falters. When people give with faith into the activities of God, they become co-laborers with Him and feel His joy and excitement and receive His blessing. He has not changed.

More and more strong appeals are going out for finances today, even from those you believed were pretty solid. When the Church leadership fails to feel the pain of the people, they breed zombies and not ambassadors. Zombies are followers with little opinions. They can pretty much be told what to do and they give the right response that their leader wants to hear, which makes the leader feel affirmed. But it’s not effective in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said that a hireling runs when his flock is in trouble. A true shepherd gives his life for his sheep. When people are hurting and the preacher preaches down to them, they feel a sense of failure. If they have sacrificially given, and now encounter problems, then their self-worth becomes acquainted with their dollars and not their lives.

Not finding Christ there, they turn away. And of course this begins a downward spiral. Church leaders are intercessors for the people – if they are true. They speak to their potential in Christ. If the leader goes looking for the next financial investor, the spirit of Babylon has crept in and made a stronghold. But Babylon is destined for failure, and that leaven can destroy the whole lump or group.

The funds will fail and then everyone looks to see if the leader takes and follows his or her own advice! If they are hirelings, they will just jump from one ship to another. If they are mistaken, then they will repent and turn back to God.

This really is a very serious issue as finances are a means for exchange. How that is done makes a big difference. Satan was thrown out of heaven for merchadizing. So often in the corporate world you find people asking for your spiritual power. They want you to BELIEVE in their cause because they realize there is a power there. Problem is that if it is not God’s cause then it is defiled.

The law and ways of the Lord are clean. God doesn’t just ask for your soul, He asks for your heart. But the way He treats your heart is with freedom. He is not trying to “run your program” but is trying to get you to respond with a heartfelt response. Cold or hot is better than lukewarm to Him.

He wants the interchange of true personality. He is not bypassing your brain. It is just going through your heart. He wants that because there is joy and productivity in finding what works for both. God is very creative. When our spouses or children do things that may not be extravagant to the world but it speaks to your heart, you are touched and they are endeared to you. They have not sold their soul but multiplied it by giving it away in Love. Love is a safe place.

There are rules to the Universe that give it its order but in the middle of all that is a lot of space for creativity and interactivity. Without borders, nothing can be understood, but with borders, different aspects can be noted and highlighted and enjoyed. Then the substance is not feared but respected. So it should be in our relationships.

When we give because we care, there is passion and power that goes with it. It is an expression of the soul that produces more, not like an extraction from the soul that ultimately produces a death type experience. Mindless heartless giving is a dead work in God’s eyes.

Businesses offer services or goods. In exchange for their efforts they get reciprocal payments. When businesses or governments ask for more than that, they are offering a religion. They have set up a pastor/leader who gives you advice for living and a plan but they are the source and not God. It becomes a cult or movement where the rules become well defined. And the more people get into it, because of the diversity, the more rules that are needed to make it become its order. It’s a trap.

Only God can give true Spiritual benefits. When the Church sees church as a business, they have already failed. It has then become limited. There are good business ideas and strategies but if prayer does not lead through the heart, the system is infected. They have started working out of the intellect more than the spirit of the heart.

The Kingdom of God is within you. It is truly real and it truly offers you something in return that is much greater. It is not a commodity. When your soul is rich it manifests in other areas as well. God will supply the needs you have to do His Kingdom work. It’s His good pleasure!

When we feel financially deprived, the problem is usually because our soul has taken a wrong turn. When you are in your soul’s destiny, rich or poor, you are satisfied. Sometimes money is a distraction – the lack or the abundance of it. It’s a clue that we need to re-assess the values we have for life.

We can be influenced by others and sometimes we make bad decisions or wrong choices. The good thing with our faith is that we have a God who can overcome our problems. When we receive declarations that say we are limited in our opportunities, we have started to live the Lie. Our God is unlimited!

When the spirit of religion creeps into a church, it can appear to do God a favor but as He says, it’s whitewash. White wash is colored water, it is cheap paint because it does not really cover well and washes off in a short amount of time. Slicksters know that and prepare for the next story. But enlightened people through the truth of the Word of God begin to see through and seek for better. And it’s out there! We just have to seek until we find it. Genuine seeking efforts are not in vain. That faith speaks!

The bottom line is to know that your soul can be satisfied. There is an order of events that is going to take place but when we focus only on the tribulation and not on the life, we get a warped view of what God is all about. When we channel flip, we find murder stories on station and go to the Christian station only to see more death and dirth predicted or lamented. It gets depressing! We need the overcoming Gospel. It sets us apart.

Those who know their God will do exploits! And exploits are not about how much sorrow can you hold, but how much life can you find. Godly Christians will find life in what seems the most unlikely of places to the carnal mind. But we have something more – we have the Holy Spirit who overcomes even death and proved it by raising Jesus from the dead.

He IS the Resurrection and the Life that affects all life! When churches miss that focus, then the Church gets fearful, despondent, despairing, grumpy and angry. They will turn away to something else that gives them more life or sedation, but without the Savior, even that will ultimately fail them.

Our only hope is in Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One. The Anointing is the power from Heaven that is a life force. It joins and anoints a living Heaven to a fallen dead Earth and overcomes it with its Life. It destroys the works of the devil. Hallelujah!

The ministers weep between the porch and the altar. The porch is where people come to find help and leadership. The altar is where the sacrifice of the soul is made to God. The priests or ministers are those who intercede and who know how to approach God with understanding and wisdom and the right protocol for entreating. It’s about honor and respect and knowledge of the Holy. He really is a Personality!

The devastation of the Body and the Church in a time of crisis can be overcome by getting back to the basics. Most children have their basic needs provided while they learn how to navigate. But why do parents want children? They have to invest a lot in them for quite a while before they ever get any kind of quality return. Parents want children to reflect and solidify who they are, to know the joy of seeing their life replicated and enhanced, and for the loving relationship of genuine affection.

In God’s mind and ours, it truly is and should be a beautiful thought. We are created in God’s image which means there is more than just the natural but the Spiritual revelation too. Love can beget more love and multiply through the humility of being naked and transparent. Family is family because we know them through the junk!

God loves us. He wants to love us. We just need to make ourselves loveable in return to get and mulitiply the blessings. Have faith in God! He does it right and He blesses abundantly – inside and out! When the joy of the Body returns in faith, so does the prosperity. Be careful of your end time philosphy. It can affect your business.