Are You Called to the Ministry?

by Pam Clark (

I appreciate the words I read the other day from Michael Bacon who said: “We are truly accountable for the gifts and talents God has given us in our lives. Some of you are called to be evangelists, teachers, pastors, prophets, and apostles. Others of you are simply called to do your ministry in your day to day lives. Imagine how quickly Jesus would come if we would simply do what He commands us to do.”

How true that is and how many have trouble believing in the call of God on their lives. Not every call is dramatic, but there are things that can stir you and motivate you more into the Kingdom of God where Jesus is King and He has your best productive ministry fulfillment in Mind!

If those sentences stir you, and you are waiting for someone to recognize your gift calling, most likely it is not going to happen that way. Why? Because most ministers are busy working their own callings. And, most ministers just get a handful that they really can take under their wing and mentor.

Your best bet is to find ministry gift training classes where ever you can and if you are still interested after those, then you probably have the calling. The Scriptures say “Study to show yourselves approved unto God.” (Not to man, but you and man will benefit both if you are doing it right.)

Fame is a temptation for many ministers and the reason is because they sense the call inside to reach the masses. But fame is no indication that you are doing it right and pleasing God. What is He looking for? Dicsciples! Those others who are continually hungry and seeking Him, perfecting their skills! Those perpetual students doing hands on work.

And not just with their skills, but doing their ministry in their relationship with Him. Even Jesus said, “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” If a person does not find value in those of his own family, or those closest to them, then they are doing a job and not a ministry. And they may mean well by that, but their heart is missing it.

There has to be a balance between obeying and loving. Some families really offer some a big struggle. Others may have their families together, but find serious obstacles in other areas. No one has it charmed if they are in the real ministry. Seriously.

God will make sure that you need Him – and that really is the main idea – to know who He is and who you are and who you are not. God does not have a bad attitude toward you over that, He just has an order and a Plan that works a certain way. You may have plenty of water to put in your gas tank, but if it requires gasoline, the water is not going to work.

When I first received my calling, I had never heard of anything like that before. God calling a woman into the prophetic? I wasn’t even sure what a prophet was or meant, but I knew the Voice that came put the fear of God in me. No one else heard it, so who would believe me?

So I dusted off my Bible and began to study what a prophet was and what they did. It really paid off because later, some others, even in ministry, had some strange definitions, especially in the day when they were not heard of so much and people were spooky about them.

I was so relieved to find out that there was a company of prophets! I didn’t know what God had in mind and I think He allowed that as a development process for me. When a call is holy, there is place where it is just you and God and you two have to work that out – continually, in fact. But then I found out there were current day helps and I was so glad.
I realized in the early days that I had to be practical, and I needed to have a good overview, and I had to figure out what practical meant. Through that I learned that the ministry call is an intercessory role, and especially for prophets, but for all, between God and man – and between men and God.

Here is where the servant role is developed. God pretty much knows what the Plan is, but He does care about individuals and their personalities. So He listens and He delights in the relationship and the work! He put a lot on us, for as we can see, the world is still quite lost and it is up to the called to make the difference!

Now we can be smart about this – or not – but the heart that loves is the heart He delights in. But if we are wise, we will study love and ministry and the expression of God and even discover that in ourselves. When He comes into our hearts through sincere invitation, there is a revelation that begins unfolding inside of us and through us.

So many seem to see ministry as a status and not a way of living life. God and all He is, is a discovery! But there is a Mission! – and it’s not so closed off that it can’t enjoy and appreciate the good things of life.

I’ve heard so many extreme missionary stories that I felt totally unqualified. But then I got the revelation that my mission is the world around me where ever I am! And with God’s help, He can make that purposeful, if not enjoyable, for “The joy of the Lord is your strength!”

Now you can get a gold watch or a silver plaque to put on your wall, but how about the awesome love of God? Isn’t that better? Your ministry is what you are doing to serve the Kingdom of God and you can always learn more ways how to do it. There is nothing wrong with taking time to regroup so you can do it better. The whole world around you will be blessed for it!

You have heard the expression, “Lead, follow or get out of the way.” Well sometimes things or people are in your way. You have to learn how to navigate these things. It’s a challenge for all of us but people are not trying to be your enemy as much as it might be some other things going on. If you will stop and ask, “What is God wanting to do here?”, you will find that He will show you ways to get around your situations for the greater things. Abuse will never get you there, but only set you back. You will never be happy there.

We are not just reasoning with minds, but also the spirit man. Mentally I may look foolish, but spiritually, I may be prospering! Now someone may be too spiritually minded to be any earthly good, but it doesn’t have to be that way. God has the Plan to suceed – for ALL of us!

It would be silly for a daisy in a garden to compete with a lily. The are both flowers but they just don’t do it or look the same, yet together they may manifest a wonderful glory of God. Things have to be appreciated individually in order to fully appreciate the group effect. Fame just wants it all without the appreciation.

Rooms in your houses have different functions, but each part is usually needed and appreciated – so it is with your ministry! Personally I am not able to design or even build out my home from scratch, but with the aid and help of others, I have a livable functional home and that is a nice thing for living! Your best ministry will come from noticing and living these things.

It’s good to make goals, but be sure your checklist comes from the Scriptures in good decency and order. Rightly dividing means people are prospering – in every realm with Jesus as Lord. You may be a genius and not even know it!


One comment on “Are You Called to the Ministry?

  1. beth casey says:

    I know that I know that each of us have been called to serve Him in one way or another.. one thing which I was glad the Lord showed me early on which ministers need to know and face up to is some things we are called to are just for a seadon. To know the season were in and when its over keeps us from striving. “Never strive ” was the Lord command to me and I never did.. He did it all and put my ministry together and took it apart when the season was over. Its really ok..!! Its like one chapter of a book is over and a new one is about to begin. Whatever season your in, rest in him and let Him take the lead and burnout won’t ever take you over. Rather, you will be at peace as you rest in him knowing your where you belong. What a freedom in resting in Him and knowing he has it already all worked out for you to be blessed not stressed. Glory!!!

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