Prophetic Word through Pam Clark 7-26-11

There are things in the Church that God is changing. Much of the old church system is being torn down. People are leaning on “the structure” more than the Lord.

This is a revolutionary time. What worked in past ministry is not going to work right now. Filters have been created that have skewed the View. Faith will not be through people as much as it will be through prayer.

God wants us to “get real” and stretch and lean on HIS Creativity. Hearts are being tested as never before. The test is not about “us” but is about Him. Do we really perceive Him the way HE wants us to perceive Him? The enemy has been seeking to hijack and short circuit many things to confuse and render impotent the true powers and Plan of God, but he will not succeed.

God is stripping many to make them call upon His Power, His ways, and His Life. It is really His offering of Love and Anointing to us.

Some people are going through financial battles, some people are going through physical battles or even family and reputation battles.

We cry, “Where are you God?” and He says “I am within you.” Too many are looking for power in a social context. The power within will manifest without.

People are looking for the outward signs and God is correcting that. This stripping is a blessing. Here you will find that His Kingdom holds, and it delivers.

It delivers The Promise! 

Here you will find people who really do (or really don’t) believe as you do. Here the scourge of opinions will singe your heart and soul. But you will find that God still remains.

Is God doing this to hurt you? No, He is doing this to help you. He is doing this to reach you. 

God is preparing us for Visitation. He is looking for a people to manifest through, and He wants the manifestation as real as our cries are to Him for it to be Real. 

Our desperation moves His Heart. He wants to meet us but He cannot compromise who He is.  His Order establishes the Heaven and the Earth.  We are firm and secure in Him. 

When all that can be shaken is shaken, we will still remain…  Because our lives are kept in Him, because we have chosen that. 

It is Betrothal!  Let the Romance begin! 

When the Beloved calls out to her Bridegroom and He responds, it will be pure faith. Not hyped up, not pumped up, not gimmicked up, or even slicked up. 

Oh what a wonder to behold this Bride of His. She mystifies the world with this supernatural Relationship where all of earth and creation responds to her. 

God wants to bring Heaven to Earth.  He will bring Heaven to Earth!  It belongs to Him!

He will claim and reclaim what is and has been His all along. 

We limp and think things are okay. We have fallen so short. But He will restore, restore, restore!

And all creation will praise Him for the wonderful God that He is.

(Feel free to share.)

One comment on “Prophetic Word through Pam Clark 7-26-11

  1. Susan Guepet says:

    Thank you very much for sharing this Pam.
    God Bless you and all you do.

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