The Commodity of Fear

by Pam Clark (

Fear is a real issue, especially for the last days Church and we need to discern it correctly. Fear can be such a power that some use it as a commodity. Some parents or other authorities have used it as a tool for manipulating situations, and even children telling other children “ghost stories” or “boogie man stories” use it for the adrenaline rush it produces. Most people like a good drama movie for the same reasons.

But there comes a place when we can get consumed with fear and dread, and lose the joys of living that we are supposed to find in the Christian life. Because of all the end time predictions, it’s challenging to know at times what is “imminent” and what is being just forewarned.

When fear overtakes a body, it produces a toxicity as a result. Our immune system is suppressed and our anxiety level skyrockets, producing more stress and negative hormones that affect the muscles and tissues and even the brain. It’s certainly not healthy in a prolonged state. Some stress is necessary for growth! There is a value in the resistance if it is not something so strong that it overwhelms a person with a force stronger than they are.

Some fears are demonic and some are just imposed by our self or other people. Demonic fears are when we take on a spirit of fear. We are Biblically warned that hard times are coming, but Jesus said, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (the world where it’s coming from). This is where our faith kicks in – for the overcoming. We can even get into the fear snare of “not having enough faith” when all the faith we need has already been given to us in a measure for us. Our job is to let that faith increase.

We need to know Scriptures and especially the ones about the abundant life we are promised. We go from this life into the next and it’s all meant to be. We just need to find our Home in Christ! We have to be careful when we hear different ministries to find the best balance of information.

If all that is offered is fear of the last days, with no reward for the present now, we might do better if we hear the other messages being offered out there. It is true that this current life pales in comparison of the one to come, but still we find ourselves today living here in the now and we need to be in the best place and condition for making that count, even for tomorrow and the life to come.

When Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven was “at hand”, He meant that it is even here “in the now.” We can find an ever increasing Presence of Him in our lives that will sustain us for even the last days of this fallen world.

Some will use fear to sell things and that is when it is being used as a commodity. Just as there is the lure of complacency with the “all is well, don’t ever worry or be concerned,” there is also the deceit of only impending doom and dread. No one can live healthy in that long term. Purposed ignorance can be foolishness. Many do give their lives for the benefit of others in many ways and that will be rewarded by our God as our gift to Him for the sake of others. But when it is coerced, then we are responding only to a fear. Our choices need to be real.

Some do feel inspired to buy “survival kits” and if they can afford that, it is all well and good, but you know it is for practical reasons. But if the fear is so strong that we have no hope at all for tomorrow’s bright day, then we are missing something. God has good will for His people. We do have an aging process and minds that can carry wisdom for it. All of life seems a gamble, but our sure thing is our faith in the Resurrected Lord. That is something other faiths don’t offer, leaving you with still a sense of yourself and the longevity too of eternal life too.

Jesus Christ gives a peace that passes all understanding in this, but we have to seek Him with our whole hearts. But the Prize is well worth the effort. If you died today, do you know for certain where you would be? Is Jesus real to you? If He is, then enjoy today! If you “think so” or “hope so” or “don’t know for sure,” go with what the Bible says in Romans 10: 9-10:

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” In that heartfelt confession of seeking, you will find your peace.

The Bible has a lot of other good things to say too. A good idea is to start reading the New Testament, and the Psalms for helpful prayers. What you can learn from all that can go on for years and bring you much delight, insight and comfort. Don’t be a victim of fear when God’s desire for you is a good life. Reject the wrong and choose the good! There will be a reward for you. Fears are something you can learn to navigate.

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